Wednesday, June 1, 2011


From Limits for the Universe by Hugh Ross, Ph.D.
1. Gravitational coupling constant. If larger: No stars less than 1.4 solar masses, hence short stellar lifespans. If smaller: No stars more than 0.8 solar masses, hence no heavy element production
2. Strong nuclear force coupling constant. If larger: No Hydrogen; nuclei essential for life are unstable. If smaller: No elements other than Hydrogen.
3. Weak nuclear force coupling constant. If larger: All Hydrogen is converted to helium in the Big Bang, hence too much heavy elements. If smaller: No Helium produced from Big Bang, hence not enough heavy elements.
4. Electromagnetic coupling constant. If larger: No chemical bonding; elements more massive than Bboron are unstable to fission. If smaller: No chemical bonding.
5. Ratio of protons to electrons formation If larger: electromagnetism dominates gravity preventing galaxy, star, and planet formation. If smaller: Electromagnetism dominates gravity preventing galaxy, star, and planet formation.
6. Ratio of electron to proton mass. If larger: No chemical bonding. If smaller: No chemical bonding.
7. Expansion rate of the universe. If larger: No galaxy formation. If smaller: Universe collapses prior to star formation.
8. Entropy level of universe. If larger: No star condensation within the proto-galaxies If smaller: No proto-galaxy formation
9. Mass density of the universe. If larger: Too much Deuterium from Big Bang, hence stars burn too rapidly If smaller: No Helium from Big Bang, hence not enough heavy elements
10. Age of the universe. If older: No solar-type stars in a stable burning phase in the right part of the galaxy. If younger: Solar-type stars in a stable burning phase would not yet have formed.
11. Initial uniformity of radiation. If smoother: Stars, star clusters, and galaxies would not have formed. If coarser: Universe by now would be mostly Black Holes and empty space.
12. Average distance between stars. If larger: Heavy element density too thin for rocky planet production, If smaller: Planetary orbits become destabilized.
13. Solar luminosity. If increases too soon: Runaway Greenhouse effect. If increases too late: Frozen oceans.
14. Fine structure constant*. If larger: No stars more than 0.7 solar masses. If smaller: No stars less then 1.8 solar masses.
15. Decay rate of the proton. If greater: Life would be exterminated by the release of radiation. If smaller: Insufficient matter in the Universe for life.
16. C12 to O16 energy level ratio. If larger: Insufficient Oxygen If smaller: Insufficient Carbon.
17. Decay rate of Be8. If slower: Heavy element fusion would generate catastrophic explosions in all the stars. If faster: No element production beyond Beryllium and, hence, no life chemistry possible.
18. Mass difference between the neutron and the proton. If greater: Protons would decay before stable nuclei could form If smaller: Protons would decay before stable nuclei could form.
19. Initial excess of nucleons over anti-nucleons. If greater: Too much radiation for planets to form. If smaller: Not enough matter for galaxies or stars to form.
20. Galaxy type. If too elliptical: Star formation ceases before sufficient heavy element buildup for life chemistry. If too irregular: Radiation exposure on occasion is too severe and/or heavy elements for life chemistry are not available.
21. Parent star distance from center of galaxy. If farther: Quantity of heavy elements would be insufficient to make rocky planets If closer: Stellar density and radiation would be too great.
22. Number of stars in the planetary system. If more than one: Tidal interactions would disrupt planetary orbits. If less than one: Heat produced would be insufficient for life.
23. Parent star birth date. If more recent: Star wuld not yet have reached stable burning phase. If less recent: Stellar system would not yet contain enough heavy elements.
24. Parent star mass. If greater: Luminosity would change too fast; star would burn too rapidly. If less: Range of distances appropriate for life would be too narrow; tidal forces would disrupt the rotational period for a planet of the right distance; UV radiation would be inadequate for plants to make sugars and Oxygen.
25. Parent star age. If older: Luminosity of star would change too quickly. If younger: Luminosity of star would change too quickly.
26. Parent star color. If redder: Photosynthetic response would be insufficient. If bluer: Photosynthetic response would be insufficient.
27. Supernovae eruptions. If too close: Life on the planet would be exterminated. If too far: Not enough heavy element ashes for the formation of rocky planets. If too infrequent: Not enough heavy element ashes for the formation of rocky planets. If too frequent: Life on the planet would be exterminated.
28. White/Dwarf binaries. If too few: Insufficient fluorine produced for life chemistry to proceed. If too many: Disruption of planetary orbits from stellar density; life on the planet would be exterminated.
29. Surface gravity (escape velocity). If stronger: Atmosphere would retain too much ammonia and methane. If weaker: Planet's atmosphere would lose too much water.
30. Distance from parent star. If farther: Planet would be too cool for a stable water cycle. If closer: Planet would be too warm for a stable water cycle.
31. Inclination of orbit. If too great: Temperature differences on the planet would be too extreme.
32. Orbital eccentricity. If too great: Seasonal temperature differences would be too extreme.
33. Axial tilt. If greater: Surface temperature differences would be too great. If less: Surface temperature differences would be too great.
34. Rotation period. If longer: Diurnal temperature differences would be too great. If shorter: Atmospheric wind velocities would be too great.
35. Gravitational interaction with a moon. If greater: Tidal effects on the oceans, atmosphere, and rotational period would be too severe. If less: Orbital obliquity changes would cause climatic instabilities.
36. Magnetic field. If stronger: Electromagnetic storms would be too severe. If weaker: Inadequate protection from hard steller radiation.
37. Thickness of crust. If thicker: Too much Oxygen would be transferred from the atmosphere to the crust. If thinner: Volcanic and tectonic activity would be too great.
38. Albedo (ratio of reflected light to total amount falling on surface). If greater: Runaway ice age would develop. If less: Runaway Greenhouse effect would develop.
39. Oxygen to Nitrogen ratio in atmosphere. If larger: Advanced life functions would proceed too quickly. If smaller: Advanced life functions would proceed too slowly.
40. Carbon dioxide level in atmosphere. If greater: Runaway greenhouse effect would develop. If less: Plants would not be able to maintain efficient photosynthesis.
41 Water vapor level in atmosphere. If greater: Runaway Greenhouse effect would develop. If less: Rainfall would be too meager for advanced life on the land.
42. Ozone level in atmosphere. If greater: Surface temperatures would be too low. If less Surface temperatures would be too high; there would be too much uv radiation at the surface.
43. Atmospheric electric discharge rate. If greater: Too much fire destruction would occur. If less: Too little nitrogen would be fixed in the atmosphere.
44. Oxygen quantity in atmosphere. If greater: Plants and hydrocarbons would burn up too easily. If less: Advanced animals would have too little to breathe.
45. Oceans to continents ratio. If greater: Diversity and complexity of life-forms would be limited. If smaller: diversity and complexity of life-forms would be limited.
46. Soil mineralization. If too nutrient poor: diversity and complexity of life-forms would be limited. If too nutrient rich: Diversity and complexity of life-forms would be limited.
47. Seismic activity. If greater: Too many life-forms would be destroyed. If less: Nutrients on ocean floors (from river runoff) would not be recycled to the continents through tectonic uplift.
(To give a balanced opinion of these contants, we should mention that some scientists have challenged the supposition that these parameters are not necessarily constant over the long time the Universe

Saturday, May 21, 2011

End of daysin : what is sin?

Be kind, if you are not kind you are being sinful. To not act kindly is to act either indifferently cruel, or intentionally cruel, and cruelty is the ultimate vice, the root of evil. What is cruelty? It is the acts of committing an offense to someone and making them suffer. To suffer is to be a victim of something evil. Natural evil and unnatural evil are two mutually exclusive entities. Natural evil is the source of all suffering prominent throughout the universe and merely an aspect of the whole universe, not overshadowing the brilliant order and beauty of the universe. Unnatural evil yearns is that which is caused by humans by being cruel, and is done in an attempt to imitate the natural evils of the universe. They are unjust acts because they are not part of the ultimate picture. We as humans are not fitted to imitate the universe because we are a part of it. Out laws are a spiderweb which someone can easily get trapped in. The laws of nature are beautifully articulated and crafted within rules of science that are unsurpassed in aesthetic and mechanistic action bridging the illusory gap of  perfection from chaos. Uniquely, we as humans have the choice to shape our own destiny. We cannot imitate the universe, but can adapt to it, and learn from it. From what we've learned, one thing is certain, and that is cruelty is evil. WE can reach pinnacle achievements for the human race only through adapting to the universe. We must end all desire to create laws and mechanisms that are outside of nature, and end all the suffering that is caused by these actions of imitation. The natural world has it systematically figured out enough, and as we have all seen, humans are not using the world they are a part of in a symbiotic way.  WE MUST SEE OURSELVES AS SYMBIOTIC AND NOT PARASITIC TO THE EARTH! The first phase is to define what truly is universally ethical. We are not like the universe, we cannot discount anything universal to relativity! Ethics based off of kindness would allow for the human species to evolve into the next phase in our evolutionary destiny and we are more than capable of becoming perfect beings in the the likeness of that which is all that is good. NEXT POST: how being kind would result in a better society overall. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ignoring proof is not acceptable to anyone interested in truth!

philosophers invented science, and science is a branch of philosophy. Science cannot or has not figured out morality, but creates a "closer to the truth" way of looking at the universe in which we are consciously embedded in. Philosophy is where ethics and futuristic distopian or utopian societies come into play, and the questions that are not either answered by philosophy or religion are strengthened by religion.

Molecular Cloud

The formation of everything that is of galactic origin; the origin of 
all stellar components; the source of all elements;
the place that spawned planets and a causal connection spree leading to 
the formation of our planet Earth and thus life as we known.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Holistic Time

Time is a holistic concept. Once contact has been made between the past and future, the present is the only thing that can exist. Imagine a society that has managed to come into contact with the future. Now imagine that travel between the two is established. Every contact with the past would interact with the future, and everything in the future would be constantly coming back further in the past until everything reached a unified time equilibrium. Time will cease to exist as a measurable constant.

"I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is."
-Alan Watts